Orthodoxy as Solidarity

Public Engagement


Andrey Shishkov, ‘Die orthodoxe Kirche in Estland und der Krieg gegen die Ukraine.’ Nachrichtendienst Östliche Kirchen, 6 April 2023.

Irina Paert gave a sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation for the series “Orthodox Scholars Preach” by the Center for Orthodox Christian Studies of the Fordham University (New York), 23 March 2023

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Andrey Shishkov, ‘Почему в теологии Карла Шмитта нет Бога.’ Горький, 17 March 2023. 

Andrey Shishkov, ‘The Great Inventor: In Memoriam Metropolitan John Zizioulas of Pergamon.’ Talk About: Law and Religion. Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, 13 March 2023.

 – Irina Paert, ‘How do Orthodox Christians pray in the year 2022? The official prayers of the Russian Orthodox Church during Russia’s war against Ukraine.’ Христиане против войны, 15 February 2023.


James White added the following pages to the Baltic Orthodoxy website in 2022:

Andrey Shishkov, ‘Искушение единством: Церкви Московского патриархата в странах Балтии в 2022 году.’ Postimees, 30 December 2022.

Andrey Shishkov, ‘Мифотворчество вместо миротворчества’. Христиане против войны, 27 December 2022 

Andrey Shishkov, ‘Ukraine: A New Legal Framework for the UOC.’ Public Orthodoxy, 5 December 2022.

Andrey Shishkov told with bloger Artyom Grigoryan for the YouTube channel Metaposition about religious convertion from Buddhism to Christianity and contemporary theology. 

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On 8 November Andrey Shishkov commented sociological data about Estonian religiosity on the morning TV show “Кофе+” (Coffee+), ETV+ channel

Andrey Shishkov, ‘Девять напуганных мужчин в Эстонской православной церкви.’ Postimees, 13 October 2022. 

On 12 October Andrey Shishkov took part in the TV debates “Кто кого?” about relations of the Estonian government with the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Other discussants were Deacon Igor Gryazin (Estonian Lutheran Church), Archpriest Igor Prekup (EOC MP), Michael Raihelgauz (Baptist Church of Estonia), and Vladislav Lushin. 

Andrey Shishkov gave an expert interview to the TV-program “Интервью недели” (Interview of the Week) on the ETV+ channel, 11 October 2022.

Andrey Shishkov was interviewed by Varvara Sergeeva in her Radio program “Сергеева” (Sergeeva) on Raadio 4

Andrey Shishkov, ‘Нужно ли запрещать Эстонскую православную церковь Московского патриархата?’ Postimees, 4 October 2022.

Andrei Sõtšov was interviewed by the Finnish Christian newspaper Oulun Hiippakunta about his work with Ukrainian refugees.

Alison Kolosova, ‘Mission in a Wounded World.’ Salt blogs, 5 August 2022. 

Priit Rohtmets, ‘Vene Õigeusu Kiriku taassünd Stalini välispoliitika tööriistana.’ ERR, 5 August 2022.

– Andrey Shishkov gave an interview to the antiwar media Posle about the Russian Orthodox Church. ‘“We Were for Peace!” Only They Were Not.’ Posle.Media, 27 July 2022.

Andrey Shishkov was interviewed by Pavel Sobolev from Postimees about the Russian Orthodoxy and the war in Ukraine. ‘Религиовед Андрей Шишков: для многих украинских беженцев в Эстонии очень важен привычный им уклад церковной жизни.’ Postimees, 15 July 2022.  
– Catherine Gibson was interviewed on the New Books Network podcast on 17 June 2022 to discuss her book, Geographies of Nationhood (OUP 2022). 

– Andrey Shishkov, Wie schätzen Sie die Abberufung von Metropolit Ilarion (Alfejev) als Leiter des Außenamts des Moskauer Patriarchats ein?’, Nachrichtendienst Östliche Kirchen, 16 June 2022.

– Catherine Gibson was interviewed by ERR Novaator about her book. Airika Haarik, ‘Andreste ja Pearude kaebekirjadele lisas jõudu tasemel kaardinutt.’ ERR Novaator, 27 May 2022.

Priit Rohtmets gave an expert comment about the speeches of church leaders in connection with the war in Ukraine. Joakim Klementi, ‘Kirikupeade rahusõnum kõlab Moskva kurtidele kõrvadele.’ ERR, 9 May 2022.

– On 9 May 2022 Irina Paert was interviewed by the ERR Raadio 4 podcast “Соседи” (Neighbours) about the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.

– Catherine Gibson was interviewed by the Postimees science editor about her book. Mariliis Kolk, “Kartograafiline kirjaoskus oli 20. sajandi algul Balti regioonis laialt levinud“. Postimees, 27 April 2022.

– On 22 April Catherine Gibson was interviewed about her new book, Geographies of Nationhood, for the School of Theology & Religious Studies website. You can read it here in Estonian and in English

Priit Rohtmets, ‘The Two Estonian Churches and the War in Ukraine‘. Vartija, 17 April 2022.

– On 14 April Catherine Gibson gave an online public talk for the Narva Museum about “Mapping the Religious Landscape of the Baltic”.

Narva museum catherine

Andrey Shishkov, Some Reflections on the Declaration on the “Russian World” Teaching.’ Public Orthodoxy, 13 April 2022.

Catherine Gibson, ‘Usuvahetuse kaardistamine Liivimaal.’ Rahvusarhiivi ajaveeb, 13 April 2022. The blog post discusses rare maps of religious conversions in Livland province held in the National Archives of Estonia and which were analysed by Catherine and Irina as part their article for Past & Present.

– On 11 April 2022 Andrey Shishkov participated in a discussion on the Meduza podcast with Vladimir Burega, vice-rector of the Kyivan theological academy of the UOC MP, about the current Church situation in Ukraine and Russia: “Патриарх Кирилл верит в «триединый русский народ». И пытается влиять на Украинскую православную церковь даже сейчас, во время войны. Что из этого выходит?

– On 24 March 2022 Irina Paert gave a public talk for the Narva Museum on the “History of the Russian Student Christian Movement in Estonia and Europe.” 

Irina Paert NarvaIrina Narva Museum 2

– On 22 February 2022 Catherine Gibson wrote an article for the School of Theology & Religious Studies blog about the project.

– On 10 February 2022 James White gave a public talk for the Narva Museum on ‘How Ruhnu (Almost) Became Orthodox’.

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– On 9 February 2022 Priit Rohtmets published an article in Eesti Kirik about our project in Estonian entitled ‘Uurimus õigeusu ajaloost‘.


James White oversaw the translation of the Baltic Orthodoxy website into Estonian and in 2021 the following articles were added:

– Andrei Sõtšov, ‘Õigeusu kogukonnaelu Nõukogude ajal [Community in Orthodox Church life in Estonia during Soviet time]’Metropoolia, 94, 7−8. 

– On 17 December 2021, as part of a series of lectures to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Father Alexander Shmemann, Andrey Shishkov gave a talk to the Missionary Society of the Diocese of Tallinn entitled “Primacy in the Church: the view of Father Alexander Schmemann”. The talk examined the difficult and pressing issue of authority in the Church and the views that Father Alexander Shmemann held in his dialogue on this subject with Father Sophrony (Sakharov).

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– Andrey Shishkov,Dark Ecclesiology: What We Do In the Shadows.’ Public Orthodoxy, 1 June 2021.

– Announcement about the ‘Orthodoxy as Solidarity’ project, Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture Newsletter, Spring 2021.

– James White, ‘New Project: Orthodoxy as Solidarity: An Examination of Conciliar Orthodoxy in Estonia and the Baltic Region.’ British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Newsletter, no. 31, Spring 2021. 

– James White appeared on the New Books Network podcast on 16 April 2021 to discuss his latest book, Unity in Faith: Edinoverie, Russian Orthodoxy, and Old Belief, 1800-1918 (Indiana University Press, 2020). 

– A report about Irina’s talk was later published (in Russian) on ‘Blagovest’, the Russian portal for news about religion: Юлия Зайцева, Рижский церковный собор 1905 года как «лаборатория экклезиологического реформаторства». БЛАГОВЕСТ, 9 April 2021.

– On 5 April 2021 Irina Paert gave a talk about the Riga Church Council of 1905 and “borderland conciliarity” at the seminar Historia Ecclesiae et Religionis, organised by the Centre for Church History at the Institute of World History in Russia (Academy of Science).

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– On 15 March 2021 Irina Paert gave a talk on ‘Russian Christianity in the Baltic’ for the Russian YouTube channel ‘Russian Christianity’ (Русское Христианство), which has had over 1,700 views.

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James White, ‘Baltic Orthodox Monasticism.’ Blog of NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, 26 March 2021.

Andrey Shishkov, Mumblings of the Sacred: The Navalry Protests and Orthodoxy’s A-Political Theology.’ Public Orthodoxy, 15 February 2021.

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