Orthodoxy as Solidarity

Research Publications

Geographies of NationhoodAndrey Shishkov. (2022). “Русскій мір”, православ’я та війна. Theological Reflections. Eastern European Journal of Theology, 20 (2), 63−78. (OPEN ACCESS)

Andrey Shishkov. (2022). Putin’s Altar Boy: Patriarch Kirill and His Influence on the Russian Military Campaign. Religioni e Società. 104 (3), 65−71.

James M. White. (2022) ‘Changing Tides of Nation and Confession: Building Orthodoxy and Empire on the Island of Wormsi, 1873–1905.’ Ab Imperio 2.

Irina Paert, Catherine Gibson, Lilyia Berezhnaia, eds. (2022) ‘Confession, Loyalty and National Indifference: Perspectives from Imperial Borderlands’. Ab Imperio 2. 

Andrey Shishkov. (2022). ‘“Новый Град” как политико-теологический проект.‘ Труды Киевской духовной академии 36: 159–168. (OPEN ACCESS)

Alison Kolosova. (2022) ‘Christendom Cracking at the Seams: Indigeneity, Conciliarity and Catholicity at the Kazan 1910 Missionary Conference.’ SALT: An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission, 1: 33–65. 

Irina Paert. (2022). ‘Conciliarity in the Borderlands: the Riga Orthodox Council (Sobor) of 1905 and the Church Reform Movement in Imperial Russia.’ The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, (Online First), 1–23. (OPEN ACCESS)

Andrey Shishkov. (2022). ‘Dark Theology as an Approach to Reassembling the Church.’ Religions, 13:4, 324. (OPEN ACCESS)

Irina Paert. (2022). ‘Martyrdom, massacre narratives and entangled memory: the commemoration of the Orthodox victims of the Bolshevik terror in inter-war Estonia, 1919 – 1939.’ History and Memory, 43:1, 3–34.

Catherine Gibson. (2022). Geographies of Nationhood: Cartography, Science, and Society iProtestantismusn the Russian Imperial BalticOxford University Press.

Catherine Gibson and Irina Paert. (2022). ‘Apostasy in the Baltic Provinces: Religious and National Indifference in Imperial Russia.’ Past & Present, 255:1, 233–278. (OPEN ACCESS).

Trond O. Tøllefsen and James M. White. (2021). ‘Navigating an Orthodox conversion: community, environment, and religion on the Island of Ruhnu, 1866-7.’ Scandinavian Journal of History, 46:5, 642-664.

Andrey Shishkov. (2021). Кто скрывается в тени: контуры темной экклезиологии. Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом 39(2), 61–89.

Riho Altnurme. (2021). ‘Protestantismus und nationale Bewegung bei den Deutschbalten’. Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Mathias Niendorf, Patrick Schiele, Anton Schindling (Hrsg.). Protestantismus in den baltischen Landen und Litauen. Nation und Konfession vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1918 (305−321). Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte; 170).


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